Healthy Living

How Often To Change Your Furnace Filter
A furnace filter is a crucial component of your home's heating and cooling system. It is responsible for capturing dust, dirt, pet hair, and other particles that would otherwise circulate in your home's air. Regularly changing your furnace filter ensures that your HVAC system runs efficiently and effectively, and helps maintain good indoor air quality.
Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Holiday season has snuck up on us yet again and that means one thing: it's time to shop! In a race against time to find the perfect, last minute Christmas gift, you've probably hit the panic button. Fear not! We've created a list of last-minute gift ideas to make for the best surprise once unwrapped.

Gift Exchange Guide Blog

The question that plagues us every holiday season: how do I give a meaningful gift without breaking the bank? I'm sure you've spent hours researching gift ideas for every friend and family member in the hopes of coming across the perfect gift. For a season that's supposed to be about the joy of giving, it ends up stressful for a lot of us. Consider this your ultimate guide to buying meaningful, fun, and less expensive gifts, plus the chance to start some fun traditions among friends and family.

4 Travel Tips For Summer Vacations

Summer is upon us! The warm months have begun and traveling season is in full swing! Whether it be a family vacation, weekend getaway, or business trip, feeling your best is essential to a positive traveling experience. During the change of seasons, there is an increased risk of getting sick. Not to mention, traveling introduces many other factors that can put you under the weather. Follow these 4 tips for smooth travels.

Buyer's Guide to Oil Diffusers

Whether you find yourself at home, at the office, or on the go, you're always looking for ways to create a more relaxing environment. Our essential oil diffusers offer the perfect solution by releasing natural, pleasant aromas into the air that provide you with the ultimate relaxation experience. Guardian Technologies offers an assortment of Aromatherapy diffusers allowing you to find the perfect one for you.

10 Simple Healthy Living Life Hacks

There's never a wrong time set new goals and take control of your health. It doesn't matter whether it's at home, at the office, at the gym, these simple “life hacks” can make all the difference to your health over time.

Wash Your Hands: A Healthy Habit

With a parade of Germs, constantly following you around, one of the healthiest and easiest habits that you can adapt is remembering to wash your hands. Not only does washing your hands prevent spreading Germs, to other people, it also keeps you from spreading Germs, to yourself. You should always wash your hands before eating and especially after you have used the restroom—even in your own bathroom, every time.

Avoiding Germs, to Stay Healthy

Germs, are everywhere. Every time you shake someone's hand, touch a door handle or borrow computer or cell phone, you are spreading and receiving Germs,. Germs, are found in places that we normally don't think of as being unclean.

Health Risks of Inactivity

There's a lot to be gained from becoming physically active and starting a healthier lifestyle, but when you find ways to avoid exercise you become susceptible to many health risks associated with limited physical activity. Read on...

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