
4 Travel Tips For Summer Vacations

Summer is upon us! The warm months have begun and traveling season is in full swing! Whether it be a family vacation, weekend getaway, or business trip, feeling your best is essential to a positive traveling experience. During the change of seasons, there is an increased risk of getting sick. Not to mention, traveling introduces many other factors that can put you under the weather. Follow these 4 tips for smooth travels.

Cold & Flu Prevention Tips

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth since these are vulnerable areas for Germs, to enter the body - Centers for Disease Control.

Flu Prevention Tips for Children

It's during the school year and in the wintertime that children are inside most often, leading to a higher susceptibility to spreading Germs, to each other. Here are 5 things you can do this year to make sure that your children stay healthy and avoid the flu and other similar illnesses all together.

Wash Your Hands: A Healthy Habit

With a parade of Germs, constantly following you around, one of the healthiest and easiest habits that you can adapt is remembering to wash your hands. Not only does washing your hands prevent spreading Germs, to other people, it also keeps you from spreading Germs, to yourself. You should always wash your hands before eating and especially after you have used the restroom—even in your own bathroom, every time.

Avoiding Germs, to Stay Healthy

Germs, are everywhere. Every time you shake someone's hand, touch a door handle or borrow computer or cell phone, you are spreading and receiving Germs,. Germs, are found in places that we normally don't think of as being unclean.

UV-C Technology Benefits

UV-C is a type of ultraviolet light, also known as Germicidal UV. It has the power to kill or incapacitate bacteria, mold, fungi, and viruses by destroying the DNA of dangerous pathogens. This is an extremely powerful technology to facilitate clean air, because there are no known microorganisms immune to UV-C energy.

UV Air Sanitizer Benefits

There are many reasons why an air sanitizer is a beneficial product to have in your home, and here we list the top six!

Buyer's Guide to Air Sanitizers

With the different types of sanitizers available on the market, it can be tough to choose which type to purchase. We've laid out the popular types of air sanitizers for you to compare the benefits.

Do Air Sanitizers Work?

No matter where you live, what you do for a living, or whom you surround yourself with, you're certain to run into Germs, and other microorganisms every single day. Hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial sprays can deter the transfer of anything truly nasty, but are these always the appropriate solutions for the highly-trafficked germ breeding ground you might call your bathroom or kitchen?

Air Sanitizers - What are They & How Can They Help Me?

If you have allergies, have trouble breathing, suffer from asthma attacks or any other issues related to your lungs, you should look in to the benefits of using a UV-C air sanitizer.

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