Wash Your Hands: A Healthy Habit
With a parade of Germs, constantly following you around, one of the healthiest and easiest habits that you can adapt is remembering to wash your hands. Not only does washing your hands prevent spreading Germs, to other people, it also keeps you from spreading Germs, to yourself. You should always wash your hands before eating and especially after you have used the restroom—even in your own bathroom, every time.
When you stop to think about it, Germs, are everywhere. If you consider how often you touch a door handle or shake someone else's hand, it can seem overwhelming to think about all the amount of Germs, that you come into contact with every day. At best, washing your hands doesn't seem like it's enough to rid yourself of Germs, that could potentially make you or someone else sick. However, it wouldn't be a law for restaurants employees to not wash their hands prior to handling someone else's food if it wasn't making a difference.
One line of business in which washing your hands is very important is the childcare or education industry. Runny noses and colds are almost unavoidable in the daycare or classroom, and they don't take long to spread to other kids and their adult caretakers. This is one reason that all teachers in elementary schools are required to keep up-to-date on their flu shots and vaccinations. Educators can't afford to catch every cold that comes into the classroom and they certainly don't want to spread their Germs, to the students.
Classrooms are excellent breeding grounds for Germs, simply because of the seer numbers of children coming in and out of the classroom, sharing the desks and school supplies. So, while we leave it up to the janitorial crew to clean up shop, the teacher should also assume responsibility for cleaning up after the children at the end of each class period or a few times during the course of the day. Disinfectant wipes are a desks best friend. Encouraging the students to help clean up their areas can make a big difference.
Personal hygiene should be near the top of important discussions with young children. Typically, this would be the obligation of the child's parents; however, teachers can certainly strengthen this idea by spending a few minutes each day with the class discussing the importance of washing your hands and using tissues.
Stay Germ-Free
Two words that Germs, fear most are “soap” and “water”. Washing your hands thoroughly and often are the best ways to keep Germs, at bay. Wash your hands every time you cough or sneeze, before you eat or prepare foods, after you use the bathroom, after you touch animals and pets, after you play outside and after you visit a sick relative or friend.
Guardian Technologies™ offers air sanitizers for your home, office or classroom that can help promote a germ-free environment. Built-in UV-C technology uses uv light to kill 99.9% of airborne Germs, kill and Airborne Bacteria,. Using our air sanitizers will result in breathing cleaner air.
Our product line includes room air sanitizers, which plug into any outlet for a small and inconspicuous way to keep air clean.
Stay one step ahead of Germs, by washing your hands and with the help of Guardian Technologies™.