
Children With Allergies

The incidence of allergies in children has increased significantly in the last two decades. There are now more children with asthma, hay fever, and eczema than ever before. Closely following this increased prevalence of allergies is the rise in asthma, which has become the number one diagnosis for child hospital admissions. Read on...

The Best Ways to Reduce Dust in Your Home

What's the big deal if you sweep one little dust bunny under the rug? Turns out, a lot! Most of the time, when there's one, more will follow. So, the best thing to do is to get a handle on things before it gets out of control. The question is — how do you get rid of something that keeps coming back? The answer is: PREVENTION.

Ways to Reduce Pet Odor in Your Home

Having pets bring so much joy to you and your family, but those pesky odors are a definite downfall of pet ownership. Here we have some of the best remedies for reducing pet odors in your home.

What is Cat Dander Allergy & How to Reduce or Control Allergies for Cat Dander

Read any article on allergy and asthma triggers. What do you find? Avoiding cat dander as well other animal dander and allergens tops every list of recommendations. Perhaps you or someone in your family has allergies and asthma. Is cat dander and allergen a real threat to your health? Should you be concerned? What action can you take to protect your own and your family's health?

Plants That Clean The Air

Who doesn't love the way luxuriant plants brighten a home or office? But what about indoor plants for air quality improvement? Is this natural method of air purification effective? Are they any more or less effective than an air purifier for the home? 

Allergic to Dogs? Here is What You Can Do

Many people are allergic to dogs. If you are allergic to dogs, your allergy being serious enough to warrant emergency, you may have no choice but to give up your dog. But if your allergy is mild, you might have other options. While only your doctor and you can determine the best solution to the problem, learning more about your allergy can help you know what you can do about it.

Air Sanitizers - What are They & How Can They Help Me?

If you have allergies, have trouble breathing, suffer from asthma attacks or any other issues related to your lungs, you should look in to the benefits of using a UV-C air sanitizer.

The Common Cold: What Remedies are Best?

So you've caught a cold. We have good news and bad news. The bad news is there is no cure for the common cold. The good news is there are remedies to make your cold more bearable. But what remedies are the most effective? Which will make you feel better a little quicker? Read below to find out.

What Triggers an Asthma Attack?

Indoor asthma triggers are the contaminants that can set off asthmatic reactions in people who have asthma or breathing problems. According to information from The American Lung Association, it is estimated that 24.6 million Americans have asthma. Typical asthma triggers found in the home relate to dust mites, mold, pet dander, tobacco smoke and combustion appliances. There are many ways to help reduce exposure to these triggers and the first step is the elimination of pollutants if possible.

Humidifiers Help for Sufferers of Acute Bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up mucus, as well as shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. There are two main types of bronchitis: acute and chronic.

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