
How to Reduce Animal Dander in the Home

Do you begin to sniff and sneeze the minute Fido enters the room? Then you may very well be allergic to dogs or cats. But what is the real cause of pet allergies? Many believe a cat or a dog allergy involves a reaction to their fur. But in fact, animal dander is a common cause of pet allergies, and is actually old skin scales shed from these pets.

Ultrasonic vs. Evaporative Humidifiers

Picking out the right type of humidifier for your home can be tricky if you don't quite know your way around the two main types of humidifiers, ultrasonic and evaporative. In order to assist you in being a smart consumer and purchasing the humidifier that's right for you and your family, we have written an overview for which type of humidifier is best for you.

Humidifiers Help People with Breathing Problems

When you're short of breath, it's hard or uncomfortable for you to take in the oxygen your body needs. You may feel as if you're not getting enough air. Sometimes mild breathing problems are from a stuffy nose or hard exercise. But shortness of breath can also be a sign of a serious disease.

Humidifiers Help for Sufferers of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. That makes them very sensitive, and they may react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When your airways react, they get narrower and your lungs get less air.

Air Quality In The Home

Are you concerned about your indoor air quality? You're not alone! Each year, millions of people consider purchasing an air purifier when they realize the health problems that can arise due to poor indoor air quality.

Causes of Water Damage

In addition to causing headaches and destruction, water damage also has an adverse affect to the indoor air quality of your home. Damage from water can cause wood rot, insect infestation and mold. Learn more!

What Are Germs, The Types of Germs, & How to Prevent Them

Germs, are disease-causing microorganisms that cause infection and illness. The best defense against Germs, is good hygiene and regular cleaning, whether it is your house or your body. Not only does this help to prevent the spread of Germs,, it also removes the types of conditions that encourage them to grow.

The Mechanism of an Allergic Reaction

There are three stages to the allergic response: In the first stage, the immune system encounters the foreign substance and identifies it as an invader.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality, or IAQ, describes how the air inside your home or workplace can affect a person's health, comfort and ability to work. It can include temperature, humidity, lack of outside air (aka ventilation), mold from water damage or exposure to other chemicals. While currently OSHA has no IAQ standards, it does provide guidelines about the most common workplace complaints. 

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