Air Purifiers

Pet Allergies

When it comes to pet allergies, man's best friends may often be his worst enemies. Numerous times a day, I come across patients who end up being allergic to a favorite animal or are concerned that they may be allergic to their pet. Before you start pointing fingers at the dog for a family member's allergy symptoms, you must be sure not to wrongfully accuse an innocent pet.

Mold: Here, There and Everywhere

Mold can be found outdoors and indoors. And it doesn't really become a problem inside until there's a water problem, such as a plumbing leak, rainwater leak or very high indoor humidity levels.

Buyer's Guide to Air Purifiers

From removing harmful airborne particles and odors, to reducing the time spent cleaning, an air purifier is a household asset. It can help clear your allergies, reduce the transmission of airborne diseases, and ultimately contribute to healthy living. With the different technologies available, it can be tough to choose which type of air purifier to purchase. We're here to help guide you!

UV Air Purifier Benefits

There are many reasons why an air purifier is a beneficial product to have on hand, and here we list the top six!

Facing Your Allergies

This year more than 50 million Americans will sniffle, wheeze, cough, or scratch their way through a bout of allergies. Some suffer from short-lived seasonal allergies, while others suffer all year long-usually in response to foods, pets, or the dust mites that take residence in all of our mattresses and pillows. An unlucky few will suffer from a combination of the two. Dr. Beth Corn, of the department of Clinical Immunology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, talks about who gets allergies, how to know for sure when it's allergies, and the rare occasions when they can be life threatening.

Differences Between Indoor Air Purifiers

Portable air purifiers have been gaining a great amount of popularity in recent years, and as new features are developed and integrated into hybrid devices, one can't help but experience at least a little confusion. In this article, we'll give you a brief introduction into the technology and features of portable air purifiers and what you need to look for in selecting the right solution for your home or office.

Children With Allergies

The incidence of allergies in children has increased significantly in the last two decades. There are now more children with asthma, hay fever, and eczema than ever before. Closely following this increased prevalence of allergies is the rise in asthma, which has become the number one diagnosis for child hospital admissions. Read on...

The Best Ways to Reduce Dust in Your Home

What's the big deal if you sweep one little dust bunny under the rug? Turns out, a lot! Most of the time, when there's one, more will follow. So, the best thing to do is to get a handle on things before it gets out of control. The question is — how do you get rid of something that keeps coming back? The answer is: PREVENTION.

Ways to Reduce Pet Odor in Your Home

Having pets bring so much joy to you and your family, but those pesky odors are a definite downfall of pet ownership. Here we have some of the best remedies for reducing pet odors in your home.

What is Cat Dander Allergy & How to Reduce or Control Allergies for Cat Dander

Read any article on allergy and asthma triggers. What do you find? Avoiding cat dander as well other animal dander and allergens tops every list of recommendations. Perhaps you or someone in your family has allergies and asthma. Is cat dander and allergen a real threat to your health? Should you be concerned? What action can you take to protect your own and your family's health?

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