5 Tips for Surviving Spring Allergy Season
If you experience allergies, you know that spring can be one of the most difficult times of year for your health. Do not let pesky symptoms keep you from enjoying the nice weather. Use these tips to prepare for allergy season and reduce your discomfort.
Visit an Allergist
It is a good idea to make an appointment with an allergist toward the end of winter, especially if you have never visited one before, suggests Everyday Health. If the doctor thinks your allergies should be treated with medication, he or she can give you a prescription that you can start taking before pollen levels peak. This gives your body a chance to prepare and improves your chances of feeling better once plants start to bloom.
Reduce your Exposure
While you certainly want to enjoy the newfound warmth, you should do everything you can to avoid exposing yourself to known allergens. The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding yard work like lawn mowing, gardening and pulling weeds. If you must take care of these tasks, be sure to wear a dust mask while you do. When you are finished, wash your clothes and immediately shower to clear any pollen that may still be on your skin or hair. On days that are dry and windy, do your best to stay inside as much as possible.
As we’ve become more accustomed to wearing a mask to reduce our risk for contracting the Coronavirus, researchers say those COVID-19 face masks are also great at helping people with outdoor allergies because they filter out pollen, too. It’s important to keep masks clean and remove them properly to reduce your chances of breathing pollen particles.
Allergy-proof your Home
Get cleaner, more comfortable air with Lasko’s HEPA Filter Air Purifiers.
Remove 99.97% of contaminants from your air with a Lasko HEPA air purifier.
Make your house a healthy haven by ridding it of potential allergens. To do this, Everyday Health recommends keeping doors and windows shut once pollen counts start to rise. Additionally, be vigilant about vacuuming regularly and thoroughly washing your clothes and bedding. It is a good idea to purchase air purifiers with high-efficiency particulate (also known as HEPA) air filters, since these are the most effective for improving air quality.
A true HEPA air purifier cleans the air in your home of 99.97% of airborne irritants down to 0.3 microns. This includes pollen, pet dander, dust mites, molds, bacteria, and virus-sized particles. Of course, this filtration works best in a closed environment when new allergens aren’t constantly introduced via an open window or door. The HEPA Filter Premium Air Purifier Tower cleans the air in rooms up to 232 square feet. Its 150 clean air delivery rate (CADR) means it quickly and efficiently cleans the air in a room. Note: when comparing the CADR of air purifiers, the higher the number, the better.
If you use air conditioning, be sure to change the filters on your system regularly. The source also recommends showering before bed to ensure you do not transfer pollen spores to your sheets and pillows, which could cause allergy attacks.
Be Aware of High Pollen Days
If allergy attacks are a regular occurrence for you, you should make it a priority to know when pollen counts are high. The Mayo Clinic recommends doing this by checking your favorite weather app, TV weather reports, or other local reporting each morning. If the forecast points to high pollen levels, do your best to remain indoors. The Weather Channel app to your phone is a great source for remaining up-to-date on pollen counts at all times.
In addition to pollen, mold is another substance that prompts allergy attacks, which is why you should take the proper steps to make sure your home is mold-free. Start by checking locations where it tends to grow, like your basement, kitchen and bathrooms. The source recommends removing any mold you find on hard surfaces by scrubbing it with water and detergent. If you discover mold on fabric, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. If it does not come out this way, you are probably better off throwing the item away. Additionally, repair any leaks you come across to prevent condensation from building up.
Explore Alternative Treatments
If you want to do something about your symptoms without getting a prescription, consider alternative healing methods. Everyday Health notes that acupuncture is a popular option for people looking for natural solutions. Though it might take a few treatments to work, it can help reduce pesky symptoms like itchy eyes, wheezing, coughing and sneezing.